Monday, March 19, 2007


Dear NOLA,

Thank you. For no place has left such an impression on me, not the way you have. We have only spent four short weeks together over the past year and three months, but it feels like I have known you forever. I came to you on a whim and now I cannot imagine my life without you. Whether it was slight of hand or twist of fate, in January 2006 I arrived in the land of the Saints, though you looked more like you had been through hell. I went to you to help, but I feel that I got more from you than I could ever put in. Because of you I have met some of the most amazing people and heard unbelievable stories. You have given me so much – experiences, perspective, and friends – how could I ever hope to repay you.

From bulldozing confrontations to intervening in ICE raids to the sham of “first appearances”, you have burned these images in my brain. But more than that, with your culture, style and warmth you have woven yourself into my soul. I know I will see you again NOLA, even if right now I do not know when.

Remember the first time we met NOLA? Sleeping on the cots at St. Luke’s, driving (the long way) to Tulane for showers, the Hope House. It was a chilly January and you looked like a ghost town. There was debris everywhere along the streets, abandoned cars under the highway overpasses, and destroyed houses for miles. You have come a long way NOLA, now the abandoned cars are gone, the streets are cleaner, and there is some rebuilding. But there is much work to be done.

This is not goodbye NOLA, it is “see you later”. I will not forget you and will continue to tell your story so that others will not forget. I will not let them forget. I will send others to come see you because that is the only way to comprehend what has happened to you.

No words can express what I feel for you
Or the impact you have made on me
Lucky am I, to have met you
Admiration is what I have for you

Never will I forget you
Overcome I know you will
Let all come see that you are still here
A spirit like yours cannot be killed.

Until we meet again NOLA take care of yourself.



katy said...
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Unknown said...

Hey, guys! Just found this blog. Glad to see that Fordham SHN is still going stronger than ever-- you guys are truly amazing. Best of luck to all graduates, and take care, y'all!

Love to all--